Thursday, February 26, 2009


Another break. Is this thing going to get thrown out of court? Am I going to have to go back to work tomorrow? Why are all bailiffs bald? Why are all clerks fat black dudes?

now: 4:50pm at Delancey with chardonnay...
We were released to deliberate starting tomorrow at 1:30pm. With this group it could go either way. All I know is I'm going with Mrs Sonnenfeldenstienerson, she's a million and a lawyer so team her.


Big Tall Okie said...

This is the most fun I've had reading a blog in a long time...thanks for keeping us in the loop!

Jan Smelk said...

AW shucks! You're too too kind, sir.

Anonymous said...

What Big Tall said. Please keep sharing. This is too much fun! Jury duty... YEAH. :)

Jean said...

This is much more fun than actually GOING to jury duty!! Thanks!