Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2/25 Jury Duty Edition 8:45 AM

What could be more boring than a blog about Jury Duty? Well, tuck in kiddies, because this is my plan for the day. So far, I have arrived, on time. My backpack has my laptop, my diet coke, and a book, The Northern Clemency by Philip Hensher. Also my script for class, Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams. I also have assorted make-up. For any beauty emergency.

So I am assigned to the Hollywood Courts, a building on Hollywood Blvd at Bronson that I must have passed 234 times in the last 12 years and never once seen. Way to observe, right? The security area was a breeze and the jury room has a capacity of 55, with a little desk/table in the back just for me. And my three friends, actorman, hiker-lady, and looking over my shoulder dude. I am right next to the women's restroom for the aforementioned beauty emergencies and have discovered the free wi-fi. Hold on kids. This is just the beginning.

1 comment:

toothpickmoe said...

I'm buckled in and ready for action!