Monday, November 17, 2008

Shocking. Really.

A married co-worker went out on a date with someone else or threatened to, or whatever, and is now carrying a "How to Get Divorced" book around with an exceptionally long face. Shocking.

F's date with the guy who bought her the dresses last week was "fine." Her goal is to not put out for a month. Really?

The Iris Johansson book "Quicksand" is awful. Not Shocking. So I started the new John Sanford "Heat Lightning" and it is incredible. SO great. Virgil Flowers is such a great character and Sanford's writing is so articulate, I laugh out loud and visualize each scene with a 360 degree, full-color view. And I haven't been to Minnesota since the eighties.

I just got an employee review. Turns out I don't sell enough stuff from other departments. But I don't know shit about clothes or bags or shoes or jewelry. I work in Cosmetics and am an expert in at least 10 different lines. And you want me to learn about skirts? Really?

I also lost 15 points on said review because I hate opening store credit cards. They are a rip off and have an interest rate of like 27%. But I am not allowed to have an opinion about that. Shocking.

I need to memorize my scene for class tonight, but can't concentrate, what with all the non-business going on. So I went Christmas shopping around the store. we have double discount right now, and it seems stupid to pay full price for anything this season. So I think I got the main players taken care of and I'm making Kahlua for the rest of you. Really. Strong. Kahlua.

I had the best idea ever for a gift for my pops. And all I want to do is go home and start making/designing it. Shocking: I'm crafty n' creative. (Sidenote: When I was in Girl Scouts, I was a camp counselor with my pal KS and we ran the craft shed. I have a bevy of crafty experience.)

Last night I went to The Boss's birthday party and it was a trainwreck, as I knew it would be. Weird people were there and the hostess, SN, wasn't feeling well, had a cut finger, and disappeared into the bedroom for a long period with her boyfriend. Who is strange. So to break up the monotony, my friend and favorite bad-influence BB and I decided to take pictures as if we were getting caught doing coke (that's right, the drug! Shocking!) at a Hollywood party. The pictures turned out GREAT, but pissed of BB's boyfriend, The Boss, and made one of my co-workers JS believe we were actually snorting blow. When it was explained to her that it was just staged and that it was just flour, she asked, "What the hell is Flower? Is it a new drug?"

Shocking. Really.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you read Iris Johansson books ON PURPOSE.

haha, love you.

Anonymous said...

"Heat Lightning"...been there, read that and think it was wonderful. Virgil Flowers is a mess, as usual, but a "good" mess and a damn fine detective. Between Michael Connelly and John Sanford, I don't know which is best. On your advice, I have given up on the new DeMille and am without reading material right now. Thoughts?? Off to the fiber industry.....S.

toothpickmoe said...

I'm so sad I missed that party.

Doot Doo said...

Bevy? Really? Unbenounced to me... Your pics remind me of the ones we took the last night in Cat--little too real... Sounds like the nose candy ones fall into the same category.

Jan Smelk said...

No, Doot, these pics were actually hilarious. Versus bad juju and scary.