Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dry out your grease before adding more!

Oily skin needs extra attention in the squeeky clean department, but you don't want to dry it out toooooo much, otherwise your skin will overcompensate and MAKE MORE OIL! So here are my ideas about what works but remember I have dry skin, so please leave a comment and tell me how effed up I am. I have arranged these from gentlest to kick-assy-ist.....be careful. Proactive works, but on young skin! So don't even think it, Gramma.

Also I have noticed some really good prices on my Amazon links for this stuff (the blue words) so do some shopping, will ya? I have cats to feed here.

Shiseido Pureness Balancing Softener 

Clarins Toning Lotion Alcohol Free with Iris for Oily to Combination Skin,

Clinique Clarifying Lotion 2

 Sea Breeze Astringent Original Formula 

Proactiv Solution Revitalizing Toner
I have no picture because you have to join the cult to get a good photo.....so here's a shitty pic:
Proactiv Solution Revitalizing Toner 4 oz. 

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