Wednesday, December 10, 2008


From 12/9....
Today is paranoia day. I must be the only one who can't sell anything. Or at least I feel that way. It seems like everyone else is still nabbing the big sales. Not as often, but occasionally. I'm sure it's all in my mind, but holy guacamole am I feeling the pain.

So I am considering asking to go to four days a week in January. Other departments have already downsized like that, so it might be an option with The Boss. He won't like it, but it might be worth a try. Of course, with an extra day off I would have to do something that someday might pay the rent, otherwise I would feel major "holding-up-my-end-of-the-bargain" guilt. So that would mean that one day a week I would have to write the damn novel. Or enough of a short story to send to contests. And if I can't bear to sit with the computer, I will have to go to the gym. MSNBC is off limits, and so is the current book I'm reading. Maybe I'll get desperate enough to go to the gym AND write. That would be awesome.

The new year is bringing a new system for Girl Scout Goal Girls. This time, there's money involved. We'll have five overall yearly goals, and each month we'll have five actions to be accomplished. BUT for every monthly goal not achieved you have to pay $5 into the pot. At the end of the year, we get an expensive dinner, but we're hoping we accomplish so many of our goals we're forced to go to Taco Bell.

So I really need to think about what needs to be accomplished in 2009. Ideas?

Today's product? The Clairsonic facial cleansing brush. It's so soothing and soft as it hums and cleans all the grit and grime off your face. I had it used at a spa in Ashland, Oregon and have loved it ever since. His and hers are on special for $350, but one on it's own is $195, I think.


toothpickmoe said...

I felt extreme guilt when I did the four day work week several years back because I didn't really do anything with the extra day except sleep more and spend more unproductive time in front of a screen. You're certainly approaching it the right way, but don't forget you'd be doing it for yourself not to yourself.

Also, the economy is obviously going to turn around immediately after Obama takes office. Obviously.

I like the ladies' new idea. Money is a great motivator, especially these days.

Anonymous said...

Have your cleared your Girl Scout goals with your Girl Scout Leader?? And reviewed the Promise? Not to mention the pledge to leave your campsite cleaner than you found it. Just asking....
Old GS Leader, i.e., Suz from MT