Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wed, 3/4

Well. Today I read a Stephen King novel. At work. During a week when we're supposed to have business. It's slow. But I seem to be ringing enough. My nemesis has stayed mostly out of my way and management is finally filing a report on her. The Boss is going in for another face lift and nose shave on Thursday and keeps asking me if I'll come over while he's bandaged. I keep telling him I'm not squeamish but he makes it sound like I have no idea what grossed out is until I see him mummified.

In my efforts to reach my Girl Scout Monthly Goals, I have to look for alternate employment. Tonight I am going to a meeting for a Westwood One affiliate (that's radio, kiddies) looking for new on-air voices. We'll see what that means, but maaaaaaan, I would love to do radio stuff. It could very well be a scam. I think this because I found the listing on Craigslist, and I somehow think careers found there are unsavory in some way. But then again, before I met my man, I thought Trader Joes was gross and for hippies. I hope I'm wrong like that. I love TJ's now.

Edited to add: I left my keys in the ignition and the headlights on all day, so when I left early to go to this thing I ended up having to call AAA and wait...and i missed the meeting. I'm aiming to make it to the Sat morning one. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Big Tall Okie said...

How has meeting your man made TJ's not gross and for hippies? I'm just askin...