Laura Mercier gets her own day. Thanks, tightliner!
Every artist worth their salt lines inside the lashes as well as the top. But Laura designed the best thing to do it with. A drop of water creates a shoe polish consistency and makes Laura Mercier Eye Liner Black Ebony the perfect liner to put at the base of the lash.
A hint: use Laura Mercier Flat Eyeliner Brush loaded up with wet cake liner and lift your eyelid to apply. BUT instead of using the mirror above your sink or on your wall, use a smaller mirror on your counter top and your eye will naturally fall almost closed and lifting the lid won't be as awkward and you will be able to see in the mirror much better. PS I tried to do this without a mirror and nearly poked my eye out.. Beware.
In addition to cake liner Laura also makes awesome Kohl Eye Pencils. All the colors are black based and makes them colorful without being to outlandish. Excellent colors include: Black Violet Black Turquoise Black Navy Black Gold
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